Sleep Hygiene and Magnesium

If you’ve ever struggled to get a good night’s rest, you’re in the majority. Whether it’s triggered by jet lag, a demanding career, relational stress, or the never-ending to-do list on the fridge, difficulty sleeping is pervasive. Try as we might, there’s only so much we can do to “power through” when it comes to masking sleep deprivation.

Because of the impact that sleep quality has on overall health, many people are seeking holistic approaches to better rest. Enter: magnesium and sleep hygiene. Let’s explore how this essential mineral, when coupled with holistic practices, can pave the way for a more rejuvenating and restorative night’s sleep. 

Improving Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to the set of practices and habits that help set us up for better sleep and, ultimately, better physical, mental, and emotional health outcomes. Establishing a consistent and effective sleep hygiene routine is like laying the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. It involves creating an optimal sleep environment, adhering to regular sleep patterns, and adopting habits that promote relaxation and restfulness.

Some ways you can practice better sleep hygiene include:

  • Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends 
  • Ditching screens two hours before bed, as the blue light can disrupt your natural circadian rhythms 
  • Implement a regular relaxation routine before bed, which may include taking a magnesium supplement 
  • Using your bed only for sleep  
  • Creating a sleep-promoting environment, which may include comfy bedding, lightweight pajamas, optimal lighting, or a noise machine 

How Magnesium Supports Sleep

Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports numerous everyday functions in your body. It’s also an important ally for better sleep. In fact, research shows that having low levels of magnesium may promote trouble sleeping. Interestingly, poor sleep can also promote increased magnesium losses, highlighting the importance of getting enough of both.

Magnesium is involved in promoting relaxation and calmness within your nervous system, helping to regulate brain chemicals like GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) involved in your sleep-wake cycles.

Furthermore, magnesium helps regulate the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for signaling your body when it’s time to sleep (and wake). Its ability to promote deeper and more restorative rest makes magnesium a valuable component of a good sleep hygiene strategy.  

Adding Magnesium to Your Sleep Routine

As you implement better sleep hygiene practices, consider adding magnesium. There are a couple of ways you can do this.

First, understand what magnesium-rich foods you’re already consuming and where you can add more. Getting enough magnesium is important for many reasons beyond improved sleep, so it’s a good idea to ensure its presence in your regular diet pattern. 

Some good dietary sources of magnesium include:

  • Spinach 
  • Almonds 
  • Cashews 
  • Pumpkin seeds 
  • Dark chocolate 
  • Avocado 
  • Bananas 
  • Quinoa 
  • Salmon 
  • Figs

Second, if you don’t consume many magnesium-rich foods, a magnesium supplement may help. 

In Pursuit of Better Sleep

Getting enough rest is critical for our ability to perform and feel our best. If you’re struggling with poor sleep, consider how your sleep hygiene habits can be improved. Adding a modest magnesium supplement to your routine may also be beneficial as it works to calm your nervous system. A holistic approach that combines nutrition and lifestyle practices may be just what you need for better sleep. 

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